Monday, January 24, 2011

Intel Research

         Another experience I had working with young children was for a research paper I wrote for the Intel Science Talent Search Competition. For Intel I had to come up with a research topic and have my own data. The topic of my project was television’s effect on children’s reading development. In order to get my data I created a survey for parents about children’s reading and television viewing habits.  I also picked a TV show and showed the children index cards with words on them before and after watching the show to see if they learned anything from watching it. In addition to providing me with data for my research project, I also learned that children of the same age vary greatly in pace at which they learn. All of the children in my research were the same age however some of them couldn’t read many of the words while others read them very easily. It is very important to remember that children learn at different speeds when I have my own classroom someday so that the children that learn slower don’t fall behind.

 For more information: Intel STS

Here is the research paper that I wrote:

Working at Aftercare

           Also during my senior year I worked at an afterschool program at the same elementary school that I interned at. I was an assistant teacher and had to help children with their homework, give them snack, and make sure they followed the rules. My classroom was kindergarten and first grade. Although there was supposed to be another person working with me in the classroom she was often in other classrooms talking to the other people we worked with or she was busy doing her homework. However, this ended up working out well for me because it gave me practice being in charge of the classroom on my own.  Working with kindergartners and first graders everyday for an entire school year led me to decide that I would like to teach children slightly older. I hope to teach either second or third grade someday.  Although it was very chaotic and at times overwhelming I really enjoyed working there and miss it dearly.

My Internship at an Elementary School

During my senior year of high school I was fortunate enough to participate in the internship program at my school. I chose to intern at my former elementary school with my former second grade teacher, Mrs. Schwortz.  In the beginning of my internship I sat in the back of the classroom and just observed Mrs. Schwortz and got to know the children in her class. I also was able to put together bulletin boards, grade tests, and help her keep the classroom organized. As the children became more comfortable with me Mrs. Schwortz allowed me to walk around the classroom and help children with their work, go over class work or homework with them, and read to them. I also was able to give short lessons on topics such as nouns or verbs. As the school year went on the children began to feel more comfortable asking me for help or to look over their work.
My favorite experience at the internship was when Mrs. Schwortz left school early and forgot to tell me not to come that day since there was going to be a substitute teacher there. The substitute was new and didn’t seem to know what she was doing. Since I knew the class well and knew what they had to work on I was able to take over for the substitute and be the teacher for a few hours. It felt incredible to be standing in front of the classroom and having the children listen to me. After that day I knew that I definitely wanted to be a teacher.

Here is the website for the school that I interned at: Schwarting Elementary School